Monday, June 25, 2007

Lets start at the beginning.

Why did I create this blog?

Well, I was stuck for somehting to do one evening when I suddenly thought: "why not start a blog, I mean the worst that can happen is that it'll be terrible, no one will read it, and in a vain attempt to change this, I'll get addicted to Blogger, and die an early death from typo-disflunktoyd-sesquitextual-itis (a terrible disease that causes the sufferer to type extremly long, made up words, until they die)". So with that in mind I went and did something else. This lasted for around 7 and a half minutes when I suddenly thought "Why not start a blog, I mean the worst that can happen is that it'll be fantastic, everyone will read it, and i'll die and early death from repetio-trideathillium syndrome (a terrible disease where the sufferer is forced to write exceedingly similar sentences over and over again...until they die)".

And so it was with the full knowledge of my looming early death from hithterto unsuspected diseases that I created this blog. It's purpose being to explore the craziness of my mind, so that i may look back in future years and reminisc about what an idiot i was (and my poor spelling).

Since this is my first post, I think a self portrait is in order. This particular one is a favourite because I have managed to obscure most of my face in the name or art.

But before I go, I shall leave you with Steve's Tip of The Day:
'Don't fly helicopters in clogs'


sam said...

hello steve. I believe i am the first person to comment on your blog. Nice self-portrait! Very good! Plus.... your blog made me laugh and i am going to blog about it on my blog to see if you can get a larger readership... possibly the three people that read my blog might read your blog...

Steve Sutton said...

well, it seems we have had some soft of success, it would seem that at least one third of your readership (1 person) has already read my blog, i'm practically famous

sam said...

yes Steven... practically famous... blog more and more and more and more people will come to your blog

Steve Sutton said...

ps i'm deeply offended that you can't spell my name